Jennifer L. Raphael
Happy Author

The First Year is the Hardest: Healing Six Words at a Time
Jennifer L Raphael
Published 2018
I met Jennifer when she started attending a writer’s lounge that I host weekly in San Diego. Her goal was to finish her book, The First Year Is the Hardest, an honest, anecdotal accounting of her recovery discovery and reinvention of herself after divorce. I coached Jennifer throughout the writing process, did a developmental edit on her first draft, and provided consulting and support as she walked through the publishing process. Stylized art pieces with quotes are a big part of the book, and a color interior required custom treatment. The finished product is gorgeous, and it is available in print format.

When I began writing this book, Bethany told me I would be a different person when I finished. The process of pouring my heart and soul onto paper was life-changing. Having such a calm, resourceful Publishing Partner to navigate the ebbs and flows while retelling such a personal story was critical to my success. Bethany reassured, inspired, and guided me to keep moving forward step by step, from inception to publication with humor and grace, and an incredible knowledge of the industry.